Products, Portfolio, Curriculum, Students, Academy, Skill, Jobfair, Placement.
Complete solution built to promote, facilitate and monitor the connections between students of an Academy and local companies.
In brief:
A tool designed to broaden placement prospects for their students and to allow companies to have a quick and effective overview of the profiles and skills of young developers trained in the innovative environment of the new developers Academies.
The Portfolio platform has been designed taking into account the peculiarities and uniqueness of the profiles that are formed in an Academy. The didactic path in fact foresees the training of developers with not only coding skills but also a wide range of skills considered fundamental for the contemporary technological market: UI/UX Design, Creative Problem Solving, Business Thinking; in addition to the so-called soft skills, which include the adaptive ability to work in teams always different, sharing, the ability to develop an innovative concept and to present it to an audience.
Portfolio Search Engine
A little more in detail:
The Portfolio platform is therefore structured around the needs of three specific users: the students of the Academy; companies and bodies interested in exploring and contacting developers; the management of the organization interested in monitoring and composition of the student body and in the development of their careers once the training course is over.
The richness and uniqueness of such a composite and interdisciplinary profile does not fit in with existing professional presentation tools, whether they are traditional curriculum vitae or other career-oriented digital platforms. It was therefore necessary to devise a new tool that would enable students to communicate this complexity to the outside world, and to companies and developers seeking to appreciate this wealth.
Preview of student's Portfolio
The platform is also widely customizable in every single component because it is a platform made to measure in every part and it is not an adaptation of existing technologies (eg Wordpress or Drupal).
For example you can customize:
- The number and type of main skills.
- The competences and keywords for each area.
- The search criteria inside Portfolios.
- The metric recorded in the Analytics area.
- The ability to view statistics and searches by Year and Site.
- Any other feature of your choice.
For students
The platform allows students to compose their own profile through the use of a wide variety of media and formats. The student's page makes extensive use of visual material and presents itself more as a portfolio of projects and products than as a traditional resume. Students can begin to compose their own portfolio from the first days of attendance, and continue to update it well beyond the end of the course. In updating and popularizing their page, students simultaneously provide a showcase of their projects (personal and team) and a mapping of their skills and competences. The student thus has a powerful (and visually appealing) tool for presenting their skills and work.
Edit Panel for Portfolio
For Enterprises, Companies, Institutions
The platform allows a selected group of subjects who request it (the platform is not public but is accessed by invitation) to view the list of all the profiles of the students and the gallery of their projects. It is a privileged look at the complexity and variety of the outputs that students produce during the year and from here you can discover, for example, that a talented and competent developer is also a great teamworker, also able to speak effectively in public and to produce extremely creative keynotes and great visual quality. The company can search through the profiles through a series of options and filters that allow to identify specific students with respect to certain levels of proficiency in a field or with respect to certain specific technical skills through a system of tags linked to the skills. The company can also easily save profiles in a bookmark area through which it can monitor only those students it considers most interesting in a specific section.
List of projects linked to Portfolio
The other fundamental component of the platform is obviously the data it captures and organizes, which is of great interest to managers. The data present are many and extremely diversified and concern a series of critical areas of strategic importance: from the composition of the student body, to the type of connections that the platform itself generates; from the most active companies, to the most searched and saved types of student profiles. And above all on the tracking of students' careers once the Academy is over and on its impact in terms of employment. To extract useful and strategic knowledge from this large amount and diversity of data, the platform also contains a section of data analysis carried out using the latest Information/Data Visualization technologies. A series of interactive dashboards allows users to explore data according to progressive levels of granularity: from an overall overview of students, companies and carriers, to finer, filtered information on specific aspects of the dataset.

Interactive Infographic
Through these interactive Infographics, stakeholders can quickly extract strategic KPIs and observe their performance over time.
Example of interactive Infographic in Analytics module
Further Statistics
Even the statistics part is obviously customizable according to the needs of the customer.
Further statistics that platform Portfolio can generate
Login System
In addition, the platform can be integrated into the organization's Single Sign On system through the SAML protocol, so students do not need to register on the system but their data is acquired automatically and their information space is already pre-filled with All the information acquired from the central registry of the system. This technology guarantees maximum security as it uses consolidated encryption protocols and ensures that access is only allowed to users who are actually registered in the organisation.
- Client Side: HTML, JS, CSS
- Server Side: PHP with MVC architecture
- Database Side: MySQL or Oracle