We create the best software solution to solve the problems of the company. The Engineers team follows the entire life cycle software: feasibility study, requirements, design, coding, integration and testing. We develop software that works everywhere: data are safe on remote servers, with access only to trusted people, and increasingly used by anywhere.


Analyze vulnerabilities of the systems and make them sure. The computer system must be able to prevent the direct or indirect alteration of the information, also the protection from the cyber attacks is obtained by acting on multiple levels, from the physical to the user authentication and their actions, both for access and for editing data.


We use the most technology to completely build applications crossplatform that run on most modern operating systems used by the majority of devices currently on the market. We are attentive to all the news that the mobile application industry is constantly introducing and we pay particular attention to the image and quality of App.


The Content Manager tailored for your needs.
Simple, because it is designed by usability experts and adapts to your needs. Fast, because it uses state of the art technologies in terms of performance and reliability. Secure, because it is designed by experts in computer security and internet protocols.


Complete solution for the management and delivery of tests, Quizzes, Surveys and Questionnaires. It can manage the entire flow of a university exam, ranging from the creation of questions and exam tasks, coming up the disbursement of examinations with the management of results, complete with detailed statistics.


Complete solution built to promote, facilitate and monitor the connections between students of an Academy and local companies. A tool designed to broaden placement prospects for their students and to allow companies to have a quick and effective overview of the profiles and skills.


The choice of a Cloud solution is similar to the decision to outsource certain tasks or processes. The Cloud also lets in more replace old applications or old ICT infrastructure with new, or to acquire completely new. You can find the correct mix of Services and Resource, minimizing the economic and operational impact of the maintenance of technological and application components.