Products, Dispensing, Exams, Quizzes, Surveys, Questionnaires, Management.

EXAM Platform

Complete solution for the management and delivery of tests, Quizzes, Surveys and Questionnaires.

In short:

Through the platform, you can deliver online university exams, admission test, quiz or statistics polls.

It can manage, for example, the entire flow of a university exam, ranging from the creation of Questions and exam tasks, arriving until the supply of Exams with Results management, accompanied by detailed Stats.
There are also available numerous tools such as the management of booking examination and the print receipts, as well as verification, even in real time, the review process and access to the platform (eg students).

A little more in detail:

What is it?

It is a system designed to operate completely online so no software to install on your computer but is a web platform which simply requires a browser to be used (for example, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and even Internet Explorer).

What does it do?

Manages the entire life cycle to any of Event Exam you want to deliver: be it a university exam, an admission test, a quiz points, an evaluation test, a statistical survey, etc. It starts from the creation of Questions the creation of exam tasks and you come up with the supply of Live Examinations dashboard and management the results with detailed statistics.


First deals with the Questions management in a simple and structured: Teacher creates a first grouping for Subject (such as physics) and inside the material creates a second grouping for theme (for example Optics). Inside the theme the teacher creates all the FAQ's that prefer starting from the classic types: true / false, Single Answer, Multiple Response, Numerical response, free answer, etc. and then also adding optional information such as difficulty of the question, the language in which is written the question, etc. The created Questions are upgradeable at any time and become the knowledge base for the definition of the examination event.

How do you create an exam?

The user allowed to create exams is considered a teacher and creates an examination event by setting some classic parameters: Date, Title, Location, etc. and many other special: the time interval for reservations, the time interval for performing, Maximum number of reservations, Subdivision in shifts and more. Then you define the parameters of the exam task: the system allows you to customize at most the phase of creating the task allowing you to choose a setting fully automatic and random for each task or a manual creation of each task also coming to define the order of the questions and the order of the possible choices.

How to use?

The platform allows you to control access of all system users (eg students) and to allow the exam book, the swing of the same, the view of the results, print receipts, etc. The teacher who created the test has many tools to verify, in real time, the examination, the number of answered questions, a visual representation of the questionnaire for each individual user and much more.

How it works for the results?

When the Professor declares closed the examination, the system automatically to Scoring and     normalize the votes according to parameters can be managed by the teacher: scale of the vote, score for non-answered questions, minimum threshold for exceeding, etc.    The teacher chooses to make visible results and consequently students can view the results of exams and possibly proceed with the print a certificate prepared by the teacher.   The platform allows for various statistics on exams held, on the questions used, etc.

There are other special functions?

There are many more features, just a few examples: every Teacher may appoint Assistant that can work on behalf of the teacher is to create the questions is to deliver the exams; Questions can be shared at the level of in this way a teacher can quickly gain Theme as made available by others; the teacher can quickly send a message to all clients booked before the examination; During the exam you can send a real-time alert to all those who are carrying out the test, Pause the exam, put a password, force the delivery of a single task, etc.

How to access?

The system is completely web 2.0, and needs only and exclusively of a browser for all operations, does not need any installation, no concern for system updates and virus protection.

It is customizable?

Yes completely and for any function.

What technology do you use?

The system is developed using open technologies.

  • Client Side: HTML, JS, CSS
  • Server Side: PHP with MVC architecture
  • Database Side: MySQL or Oracle
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